AED Batteries
On this page you can find nearly all AED batteries. Most batteries can be delivered from stock. Please narrow your selection in the left column if you wish to make your choice easier. Most AED batteries can easily be replaced by yourself. After inserting the new battery the unit will require a self-test (check user manual for guidance). The device is now ready for use; the status indicator will also confirm this. Maybe now is also a good opportunity to check the shelf life of the electrodes?
PHILIPS HEARTSTART HS1 AND FRX BATTERYManufacturer : PhilipsNon-rechargeable battery type M5070A for Philips HeartStart HS1 and FRx AED defibrillator.€179,00 €195,11In stock, available immediately
CU Medical I-Pad SP1 batteryManufacturer : CU MedicalBattery for the CU Medical i-PAD SP1 AED; this battery is disposable.€236,00 €257,24In stock, available immediately
Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Plus batteryManufacturer : Cardiac ScienceBattery for the Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Plus AED defibrillator, 9146 yellow ca. 4-year factory warranty€425,00 €463,25In stock, available immediately
Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 batteryManufacturer : Cardiac ScienceBattery for the Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED defibrillator.€480,00 €523,20In stock, available immediately
Physio-Control CHARGE-PAK Charging stick and two sets of Quickpak adult electrode padsManufacturer : Physio ControlPhysio-Control CHARGE-PAK CHARGE-PAK Charging stick Two sets of Quickpak electrodes with ca. 2 year lifespan Suitable for use with the Lifepak CR Plus semi-automatic and fully-automatic AED
Defibtech Lifeline ca. 5-years batteryManufacturer : Defibtechca. 5 years battery for the Defibtech Lifeline AED defibrillators.€275,00 €299,75In stock, available immediately
Schiller Fred easyport Lithium BatteryManufacturer : SchillerSchiller Fred easyport Lithium Battery
€93,00 €101,37In stock, available immediately -
DefiSign LIFE BatteryManufacturer : SchillerBattery for the DefiSign LIFE AED with a long lifespan of ca. 5-6 years.€158,00 €172,22In stock, available immediately
CU Medical i-PAD NF-1200 batteryManufacturer : CU MedicalBattery for the CU-Medical i-pad NF-1200 Defibrillator. Non-rechargeable Lithium Metal This non-rechargeable battery for the CU Medical iPAD NF-1200 AED has a ca. 5 year lifespan.
NB. Not suitable for the CU Medical iPAD SP1 AED.
€234,00 €255,06In stock, available immediately -
Defibtech Lifeline 7 year batteryManufacturer : DefibtechThe Defibtech Lifeline 7 year battery is economical and cost effective with its long shelf life. Shelf life: Approximately 7 years Suitable for: Defibtech Lifeline Auto Defibtech Lifeline AED€349,00 €380,41In stock, available immediately
Heartsine Samaritan PAD Paediatric PAD PACKManufacturer : HeartsineHeartsine Samaritan PAD Paediatric PAD PAK Suitable for use with the Samaritan 350p, Samaritan 360p and 500p defibrillators For children aged 0-8 years or 25 Kg in weight.€129,00 €140,61In stock, available immediately
Physio-Control CHARGE-PAK Charging stick and one set of Quickpak adult electrode padsManufacturer : Physio ControlPhysio-Control(Medtronic)CHARGE-PAK Charging stick One set of Quickpak electrodes Suitable for use with the Lifepak CR Plus semi-automatic and fully-automatic AED€179,00 €195,11In stock, available immediately
Physio-Control Lifepak 1000 BatteryManufacturer : Physio ControlPhysio-Control LIFEPAK 1000 battery.€299,00 €325,91In stock, available immediately
Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Pro batteryManufacturer : Cardiac ScienceBattery for the Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Pro AED defibrillator.
Schiller Fred Easy Lithium BatteryManufacturer : SchillerLithium battery for the Schiller Fred Easy AED defibrilator.€175,00 €190,75In stock, available immediately
Primedic Heartsave AED ca. 6 years batteryManufacturer : PrimedicBattery for the Primedic Heartsave AED with a shelf life of ca. 6 years.€315,00 €343,35In stock, available immediately
Defibtech Lifeline View 4-years batteryManufacturer : DefibtechDefibtech View Standard ca. 4 Year Battery Pack€305,00 €332,45In stock, available immediately
Primedic Heartsave PAD ca. 3 years BatteryManufacturer : PrimedicPrimedic Heartsave PAD battery with ca. 3 year life span.€215,00 €234,35In stock, available immediately