Ambu SPUR II Volwassene met patiëntventiel, drukbegrenzingsventiel 40cm H²O, zuurstofreservoir, disposable masker mt 5

The Ambu SPUR II adult ventilation balloon. With patient valve, oxygen reservoir, and disposable mask size 5.

Quantity: delivery per 12 pieces

€224,00 €275,52
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Product Description

Ambu SPUR II adult ventilation balloon

The Ambu SPUR II is designed for manual ventilation of adults. Single use, for one patient.
Ambu's unique single-valve valve has proven its reliability over more than 20 years of use in emergency and hospital settings. The crystal-clear valve housing provides unobstructed view of valve operation, and the slim design facilitates view of the mask.

The balloon responds quickly, with minimal mechanical resistance - some even say the balloon is a natural extension of the hand. The handle makes holding the device easier.

A stiff and heavy balloon can quickly cause muscle cramping and shoulder pain. This SPUR II balloon is light and flexible. The built-in handle facilitates holding and operation even if the user has very small hands.

Product name Ambu SPUR II Volwassene met patiëntventiel, drukbegrenzingsventiel 40cm H²O, zuurstofreservoir, disposable masker mt 5
SKU 325021000
Weight 1 kgs