Laerdal Resusci Anne First Aid Torso with carrier case

Laerdal Resusci Anne Torso and carrier case

This resuscitation manikin currently comes with the following FREE extras:

  • Two DefiSign Pocket Masks
  • Five Kiss of Life face masks
  • A tube of anti-sterile wipes

* This temporary offer applies to all manikins in our range

€1.240,00 €1.500,40
Available to order This item is not kept on stock but will be delivered to you as quickly as possible. The exact delivery time will depend upon the stock status of our supplier.
Product Description

The Laerdal First Aid Resusci Anne has a high quality and a durable construction. The carrier bag can be used as bag as well as training mat.

Product Features:
Natural obstruction of the airway, head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust 
Occluded airway with hyperextension  
Realistic resistance for chest compressions 
Physiologically correct design  
Articulating arms, legs, and head 
Carotid pulse simulation 
Disposable non-rebreathing airways 
Removable/reusable faces 

What comes with your order?
Laerdal Resusci Anne first aid Torso manikin
3 Resusci manikin faces
2 Disposable non-rebreathing airways 
Carrying bag, training mat
Jacket for the manikin
50 disinfectant wipes
User manual

Product name Laerdal Resusci Anne First Aid Torso with carrier case
SKU 170-00150
Type reanimatiepop Adult
Connectivity None
Weight 13.9 kgs
Warranty 2 years