AEDs for companies
+ Free wall CabinetНапълно автоматичен дефибрилатор Smarty SaverManufacturer : AMI ItaliaSemi or full automatic : Fully AutomaticQuality label : CEДефибрилаторът Smarty Saver предлага компактно и бюджетно решение, като дефибрилаторът разполага с всички функции, необходими за спешни ситуации. С функции като бутон за деца, гласови инструкции и висока степен на защита IP56, този AED е подходящ за използване на различни места. Освен това AED се предлага с удобен калъф за пренасяне за допълнителна защита по време на транспортиране.€899,00 €1.078,80In stock, available immediately
+ Free wall CabinetCU Medical SPR Semi-automatic DefibrillatorManufacturer : CU MedicalSemi or full automatic : Semi automaticQuality label : CEThe IPAD CU-SPR is compact, user-friendly, and has a high IP rating. The defibrillator can be operated by both experienced and inexperienced users and can be safely deployed in various locations.
+ Free wall CabinetCU Medical I-PAD SP1 Semi-Automatic AEDManufacturer : CU MedicalSemi or full automatic : Semi automaticQuality label : CE, ISOCU Medical Semi-Automatic AED Unique switch which allows the electrodes to be used on both adults and children Ambient noise detector and adjustable volume High IP55 resistance against dust and water contamination 5 year manufacturer warranty Built-in metronome guidance for the correct speed of chest compressions Status indicators for both the battery and electrodes to quickly identify any problems Connect to a PC for easy data read-out Here you can find an overview of all language options for this defibrillator. Also available as a fully automatic AED.€969,00 €1.162,80In stock, available immediately
+ Free wall CabinetDefiSign LIFE Online Fully Automatic DefibrillatorManufacturer : SchillerSemi or full automatic : Fully AutomaticQuality label : CEDefiSign Life Online Fully Automatic Defibrillator
Get connected. Be prepared. Save a life. With the DefiSign Life Online you will always be ready to save a life. The new Online defibrillator from DefiSign offers a carefree solution for a breath-taking price! Advantages: Plug and Play Online via LifeDataNet G2 / 3G Automatic status checks Always kept up to date via e-mail 10 year guarantee
This is the fully automatic version, click here for the semi-automatic DefiSign Online. -
+ Free wall CabinetDefisign LIFE Online Semi-automatic DefibrillatorManufacturer : SchillerSemi or full automatic : Semi automaticQuality label : CEDefisign LIFE Online Semi-automatic Defibrillator Get connected. Be prepared. Save a life. With the DefiSign LIFE Online you will always be ready to save a life. The new Online defibrillator from DefiSign offers a carefree solution for a breath-taking price! Advantages: Plug and Play Online via LifeDataNet G2 / 3G Automatic status checks Always kept up to date via e-mail 10 year guarantee€1.205,00 €1.446,00In stock, available immediately
+ Free wall CabinetZoll AED Plus полуавтоматичен AEDManufacturer : ZollSemi or full automatic : Semi automaticQuality label : CE, FDAПолуавтоматичен дефибрилатор Обратна връзка за CPR, която насочва спасителя към правилния процес на CPR Висока устойчивост IP55 срещу замърсяване с прах и вода 5+2 години гаранция от производителя Дълъг 5-годишен живот на електродите и батерията Вградено ръководство с метроном за правилна скорост на компресиите на гръдния кош Функцията за самотестване гарантира, че дефибрилаторът е винаги готов за спасяване LCD екранът също показва информация Предлага се и като напълно автоматичен AED.€1.399,00 €1.678,80In stock, available immediately
+ Free wall CabinetPhilips Heartstart HS1Manufacturer : PhilipsSemi or full automatic : Semi automaticQuality label : CE, FDAPhilips Heartstart HS1 semi-automatic AED Easy to use Gives both AED and CPR guidance 8 year manufacturer warranty SMART Biphasic Technology to issue a gentler shock to the heart SMART ECG Analysis Technology Self-Test function ensures the defibrillator is always rescue ready€1.249,00 €1.498,80In stock, available immediately
+ Free wall CabinetCardiac Science Powerheart G5 Semi Automatic AEDManufacturer : Cardiac ScienceSemi or full automatic : Semi automaticQuality label : CE, FDACardiac Science Powerheart G5 Semi Automatic AED The Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 semi-automatic AED has been tested to military standards to ensure maximum durability in extreme conditions. The impressive IP55 rating indicates maximal protection against dust and water damage making this the ideal defibrillator for use in extreme conditions. This multi-lingual AED can change language at the touch of a button and will also guide you through the CPR technique, on top of this, it’s vibrant orange colour makes it unmissable during an emergency situation. The spoken instructions are standard in French/English. Here you can find an overview of all other language options For the fully-automatic version please click here
+ Free wall CabinetCardiac Science Powerheart G5 Fully Automatic AEDManufacturer : Cardiac ScienceSemi or full automatic : Fully AutomaticQuality label : CE, FDACardiac Science Powerheart G5 Fully Automatic AED The Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 fully-automatic AED has been tested to military standards to ensure maximum durability in extreme conditions. The impressive IP55 rating indicates maximal protection against dust and water damage making this the ideal defibrillator for use in extreme conditions. This multi-lingual AED can change language at the touch of a button and will also guide you through the CPR technique, on top of this, it’s vibrant orange colour makes it unmissable during an emergency situation. The spoken instructions are standard in French/English. Here you can find an overview of all other language options For the semi-automatic version please click here
+ Free wall CabinetПолуавтоматичен дефибрилатор DefiSign LIFEManufacturer : SchillerSemi or full automatic : Semi automaticQuality label : CEПолуавтоматичен дефибрилатор 10 години гаранция от производителя Многоезичен (предварително инсталиран с 3-езичен пакет по ваш избор, свържете се с нас, за да видите какви пакети се предлагат) Лесен за използване Дълъг живот на електродите и батерията Висока устойчивост на прах и вода IP55 Надежден и доверен производител За напълно автоматичната версия, моля, кликнете тук!€999,00 €1.198,80In stock, available immediately